Long time, no blog

It's been about a month and a half since my last post. It's not that there hasn't been anything to write about. There's been plenty. It's the inspiration and motivation to comment, muse, ramble, observe, reflect, and commisurate that has been lacking. And I don't feel particularly inspired today. However, the guilt over the neglect of my non-readers has gotten the best of me, and I feel compelled to write SOMETHING, just to show I made an effort.
The update on me at the moment in a nutshell is I'm doing a show that closes in a week, and I'm about to start rehearsing for another one. I'm addicted to YOU TUBE. I have a cold sore on my lip due to lack of sleep and an inherited virus that runs in my family. I think my boyfriend is the s*#t (for anyone not familiar with that expression, it's a good thing). I have a new nephew and two more on the way (one will be a nephew, the other we don't know yet). There are two parrots I see every morning who fly around my neighborhood that I assume escaped from a pet store, zoo, or their owner, that I've named Toucan and Sam. I love the new Miss USA, and I'm sick of Sanjaya. I can't get enough Antiques Roadshow and have learned more about "patinas" than one person ever needs to. I won $100 and a key that could have started a 2007 Range Rover Sport off a radio station I listen to (my key didn't start it). I still haven't organized my pictures from my five months in Europe, and I can't believe that this time last year I was about to cross the Atlantic for said five months in Europe.
And like that life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime experience in Europe, there is something big coming, I can smell it. Can you smell it? It's there, in the air. It's coming. I don't know what. I don't know when. I don't know how. But it's coming. And I'm ready for it. Cue the song and dance number...
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