The pen is mightier

November is National Novel Writing Month. All across the country, thousands of authors, from first-time writers to seasoned professionals, are accepting the challenge to write a novel in one month. Beginning November 1st, the goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days, which is around 1667 words a day. I have accepted the challenge, and am furiously composing my literary masterpiece. I'm determined to finish, and am proud to report that in two days, I have already written over 4,000 words. I'm also unemployed at the moment, so I kind of have no excuse not to! I know it's going to be a rambling, incoherent mess, but the point isn't so much quality of content, but just to get it written. It's a great exercise in being disciplined in sitting down and writing everyday and meeting a set deadline. And maybe I'll have written a few little gems here and there throughout amongst my chapters. I wish I could tell you what my novel is about, but I'm not quite sure myself. I can tell you that so far, it's about a girl named Rose and her many adventures. I know. Riveting, huh?!! For more info, check out the NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month) website here.
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