Food for thought

Why do I like almonds, but find anything almond flavored kinda nasty tasting? I like banana nut bread and muffins, but not bananas themselves or banana flavored anything else (candy, milkshakes, pudding). I like ketchup, salsa, sun-dried tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, marinara, pizza sauce, and tomato soup, but put a slice of fresh tomato on my hamburger, chop up tomatoes and toss them in a salad, or hand me a plate of tomato slices and mozzarella, and you will have one unhappy girl. I like raw carrots, but cook them and you've lost me. Granny Smith green apples: yum! Every other kind of apple: got no use for them. UNLESS: they're peeled, cooked, seasoned, and filling an apple pie, cobbler, or tart. Then we're in business. Guess you could call me a picky eater. People are funny about food. What are some of your quirks and quibbles when it comes to food?
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