She works hard for the money!
I've had some crazy jobs in my life. I scooped ice cream without a hair net at a place called Spanky's Ice Cream Parlor, which is not nearly as kinky as it sounds. Get your mind out of the gutter and think, "The Little Rascals." I was a dog, a fox, a badger, a lion, a rabbit, an ostrich, and a twin for a very well-known, shall we say, "global entertainment conglomerate." Years later, I worked for that same conglomerate as an actor (no furry costume required) playing, among other things, a 1940's fictional movie star, a Girl Friday, a singing Space Cadet (get it?), a singing fashion designer, a singing butterfly, and an Indian Storyteller (no singing, just lots of jumping up on and crawling over artificial rocks while growling like a grizzly bear...also not as kinky as it sounds). I once had a job that lasted two days where for eight hours each day, I sat on a stool and cut out thousands of one inch by one inch little squares of fabric of various colors and fibers and double-stick taped them to little boxes next to the name of their corresponding color on these big posters to display all the new colors for the upcoming fall line of kids attire for the upcoming catalogue of, oddly enough, that same global entertainment conglomerate! I've sung "Achey, Breaky Heart," in a five hundred seat theatre for a crowd of ten, five of them being asleep, wearing a white beaded evening gown and a cowboy hat while trying to keep my balance, and my smile, as the stage rocked beneath my feet and the stage lights swung above my head from the movement of the cruise ship bouncing over the waves in the middle of the Baltic Sea. We've all got our stories. What are some of the craziest ways you've ever earned a paycheck?
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